Project Brief

For this project I need to produce a promotion pack for a new film. My main product will be a film teaser trailer which will be backed up with a poster advertising the film and a magazine front cover featuring the film. To do this I will research and analyse each type of media looking at examples and exploring the importance of the individual components. I will document my progress on this blog.

Friday 30 April 2010


Here is the final finished product for our poster -


Here is the final copy of our Magazine Front Cover


Here is our final finished product, the teaser trailer for the power of the key

Saturday 20 March 2010

Friday 19 March 2010

Thursday 18 February 2010

Cast and Crew

We have now settled on how we plan on producing the trailer. I shall be the once filming while the other two members of my group Chloe and Jasmine will be acting along side a good friend of ours, Craig. Chloe will be playing the character of Lilah while Jasmine will be playing Kimi and Craig will obviously be playing Steve.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Animated Run Through

We had a fair bit of fun with this one. We hunted down some soundtracks and music that suited the trailer and decided to draw it out before fully filming. We tried to stick to our shot plan in a very basic way. We missed out a fair few shots but kept the important bits in to show how the music would hopefully work with the teaser trailer.